Feeling Depressed?

If you are feeling sad more often than not, or if your low mood is getting in the way of your day-to-day life, your work, or your relationships, you may have clinical depression.


Other signs that you may be depressed are:

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Change in your sleep patterns.

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Losing interest in activities you used to like.

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Lack of energy or concentration.

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Change in your appetite.

Know that you’re not alone and there are things you can do at home to help with your mood.

Even a change in the sources of your nutrition is an important part of improving your overall mood for years to come.

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The Mediterranean Diet, for instance, helps with depression and is good for your heart health as well.

Try switching out your red meat for seafood.

Opt for olive oil instead of butter.

Eat more fruit, nuts, and vegetables.

In addition to changing the foods you eat, contact us to speak with one of our physicians about your mood today.



Email: admin@couchmd.ca
Telephone: 647-365-4870